About PAC
President: Billy Fusiek
Vice President: Emily Fusiek
Secretary: Elizabeth Grubb
Treasurer: Nikki Mowery
Important Info
- Vision
- Mission
- Meeting Dates
- Volunteer Background Check
- How Does PAC Spend Its Resources
- Initiatives We Coordinate and How You Can Help
The Parent Advisory Council (PAC) strives to build positive relations among students, parents, teachers and staff. Every Mayflower Mill parent/guardian is already a member of PAC and we encourage your active involvement. PAC supports Mayflower Mill's learning environment through fundraising, securing extra resources that may be needed, and by encouraging school spirit and pride. The success of our students and Mayflower Mill is greatly enhanced by the active participation and support of parents and volunteers.
➢ To promote and nurture the relationship among students, parents, teachers and staff.
➢ To secure funding for programs that will enhance the classroom experience for students and encourage school spirit and pride.
➢ To help promote parental involvement in the classrooms and at school events WE NEED YOU and appreciate all and any help!
Whether you want to volunteer your time or donate to an event, we have a need that will fit your desires and availability! Volunteering with PAC is a wonderful way to meet other Mayflower Mill families, teachers and staff and it can help you show your child that their learning environment is important to you! Join the PAC - become a volunteer!
Meeting Dates
Meetings are held in the Library/Media Center at 6:00 pm Any Mayflower Mill Elm. parent/guardian has an open invitation to attend. Teachers may also visit PAC meetings during the school year, in which they provide an overview of their classroom logistics for the school year. 2023 / 2024 - September 20th, TBD…
Volunteer Background Check
How Does PAC Spend Its Resources
Below is a list and brief description of the items we intend to financially support this year.
➢ Teacher Appreciation Dinners
During the evening parent-teacher conferences, PAC provides a nice dinner for our teachers to enjoy.
➢ Teacher Appreciation Week
For a full week in May, PAC provides daily goodies to show the teachers how much we support and care about them!
➢ Teacher Gift Certificates
Teachers are known to make frequent financial investments to prepare and maintain their classrooms. PAC provides each MME teacher with PAC dollars to support them with this effort.
➢ Camp Tecumseh
Each year, MME 4th graders, teachers, and volunteers take a field trip to Camp Tecumseh. PAC's support of this fun event helps keep the cost low for all participants. Related to this effort, PAC purchases keepsake t-shirts for all students and teachers who attend!
➢ 5th Grade Photo and Send-Off Party
Every year the outgoing 5th grade class is treated to a party with a fun theme and DJ, to celebrate their time spent at Mayflower Mill. Along with the party, each 5th grader is gifted a class picture of all the students that they are moving on to middle schools with.
➢ Enrichment Projects/Public Schools Foundation of Tippecanoe County (PSFTC)
PAC will make a donation to the PSFTC on behalf of MME teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week. These donations will directly benefit the students in Tippecanoe County public schools through grants awarded each year by the foundation.
➢ Celebration Fund
A small fund is budgeted each year by PAC in the event of a staff member's loss to immediate family, staff member is gets married or the birth of a child.
➢ Grade Choice/Principal Choice/Assistant Principal Choice
PAC is pleased to provide “Grade Choice” dollars to each grade. These funds are intended to benefit all students in a particular grade – such as Writing Journals for all 1st graders or Pocket Charts for all Kindergarten classrooms. Our Principal and Assistant Principal are allocated dollars to use as well.
➢ Nurse's Office
The nurse’s office assists many students every single day, including students who might need a change of clothes during the day. PAC provides this fund to allow our nurse's office to purchase needed items.
➢ Miscellaneous Special Request
PAC realizes that unplanned and/or urgent needs may arise throughout the year. This line item helps cover such requests.
➢ Movie Licensing
PAC purchases this annual license to allow for all classrooms to watch movies without infringing upon any copyright laws.
➢ Muffins with Mom & Donuts with Dudes
These events have been a family favorite and plan to make a comeback this year! Parents, grandparents or any other special person in your student's life is encouraged to join us for breakfast at MME before school on these specially designated days.
➢ Mayflower Mill Carnival
Included in the fun were bounce houses, face painting, carnival games, a cake walk, balloon animals, a silent auction and more! We hope to be able to offer this fun family event again with the help and support of PAC members.
Initiatives We Coordinate and How You Can Help
PAC coordinates many events each year in an effort to support our mission. We also like to have fun! Below is a list of events and initiatives sponsored by PAC and a description of how you can help.
➢ Movie Matinees Chair: TBD
This is a student favorite every year! Once each semester, students in grades K-2 and 3-5 are invited to participate in a fun after school movie day with fellow students. Volunteers are needed for an afternoon to help prepare snacks, check-in students, maintain a safe environment, clean-up, and assist with check-out and student dismissal.
➢ Cookie Dough Sales Chair: Billy Fusiek
Held in the fall, this is PAC's largest fundraiser of the year! Students are encouraged to reach out to their friends and family to collect orders. Prizes are also awarded to top sellers - this is a fun motivator for students! Volunteers can help with organizing orders and with sorting and distributing the cookie dough orders to students and families on pick up day.
➢ Restaurant Nights Chair: Nikki Mowery
Another student favorite! PAC organizes these family fun nights at local restaurants and special eateries to promote family togetherness. Each merchant that participates gives a significant portion of their proceeds from the event right back to PAC! Your attendance at these events helps support our school.
➢ Scholastic Book Fair Chair: TBD
Each year, PAC is pleased to provide volunteers for this highly anticipated student and family events! The book fair coordinator needs help with things such as setting up the merchandise, working shifts (typically during school hours), assisting and interacting with students, running the cash register, and helping to close the book fair at the end of the event. We encourage parents to volunteer during their own child's library time - they love seeing you at their school!
➢ Nurse's Office Chair: TBD
MME is lucky to have a nurse on staff. The nurse's office is always accepting donations of gently used clothing so that students may have a change of clothes in the event of a spill or accident during the day. Please consider donating your gently used clothing items to our Nurse's office.
➢ Muffins with Mom and Donuts with Dad Chair: TBD
PAC needs help with this family event! It takes lots of volunteers to help with communicating this event, coordinating food and drinks, registering participants, setting up, taking pictures, and helping with the flow of people coming and going.
➢ Parent/Teacher Conference Week Chair: TBD
It takes several volunteers to help make our teacher appreciation dinner evenings a success! PAC provides dinner for the teachers to eat right after school before conferences begin. Usually, one of the two nights we cater a meal and the other is a parent-provided meal. Volunteers are needed to plan meals, donate food and drinks, and assist with setting up and cleaning up the Teacher's Lounge.
➢ Teacher Appreciation Week Co-Chair: Emily Fusiek & Nikki Mowery
During a week in May, PAC comes up with different daily treats to surprise our teachers at school. This is an area where a volunteer's creativity can shine! Volunteers will be asked to help create gifts and/or help pick up and deliver the items to the school.
➢ MME Carnival Co-Chairs: possibly Sandra Toruno & TBD
If you've attended these events in the past - you know it takes a lot of helpers to make these events happen. PAC encourages families to give of their time and talent during these events. It’s a wonderful way to build community and is guaranteed to be a fun time! PAC will be working closely with the teachers at MME to come up with some fun evening family events or possibly a school carnival.
Thank you from PAC
Thank you so much for taking the time to read up on PAC. We'd love to see you at an upcoming meeting or maybe as a volunteer at an upcoming event. Feel free to contact any of the volunteer officers any time you wish to help or have any questions. PAC thanks you for your support of our students, staff, and school!
For more information
Please don't forget to check out the PAC board just to the right upon entering Mayflower. Also, we always put important information in the MME Newsletter. Finally, be sure to "like" Mayflower Mill Elementary on Facebook!
This publication is prepared by PAC for the students, staff, and families of Mayflower Mill Elementary School.
Proposed Amendments were approved by majority vote on August 29th, 2023.
Volunteer Form
As a parent of a student at Mayflower Mill, you ARE a member of PAC. Please make it official by filling out our Google Form to let us know how you would like to help out with our students, staff, families, and school.
Link : PAC Form
PAC Bylaws
Parent Advisory Council – Bylaws
Mayflower Mill Elementary School
Approved - August 2023
- New Panel
New Panel
Section 1 – Name: The name of this council is the Parent Advisory Council (PAC) of the Mayflower Mill Elementary School (herein call “the school”), 200 East 500 South, Lafayette, IN 47909.
Section 2 – Articles of Organization: PAC is organized exclusively for educational purposes including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Section 3 – Mission: PAC strives to promote and nurture the relationship among students, parents, teachers and staff; to secure funding for programs that will enhance the classroom experience for students and encourage school spirit and pride, and; to help promote parental involvement in the classrooms and at school events.
Section 1 – Membership: Membership shall be automatically granted to all parents and guardians of Mayflower Mill School students, plus all staff at the school - each who pledge to honor these bylaws. There are no membership dues. Members have voting privileges. Issues of non-executive matters will be decided by an open vote of all members present at the meeting.
Section 2 – Committees: Committees shall be established as needed to carry out the mission of the organization and shall consist of Executive Officers and other council members. Each committee chair shall provide a brief summary, as necessary, at the monthly council meetings.
Section 1 – Executive Officers: The Executive Officers shall consist of: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The school Principal and Vice Principal are voting members of the Executive Team. Executive Officers shall: Honor these bylaws; transact necessary business in the intervals between normal council meetings; assist in creating the annual budget; create and/or appoint standing committees; document and maintain records and ultimately forward to his/her successor; introduce motions at the regular council meetings, and; meet as necessary as an executive team to help ensure the purpose and mission of the organization is being served.
Section 2 – Terms: Each term is for one year, beginning July 1st and ending June 30th of the following year. The office of Vice-President shall be filled by a member with the intention of assuming the office of President the following year if the President moves on or steps down, pending final approval by the Executive Officers. Officers may choose to run for their office or any other office as many times as they choose, but they must be re-elected to that position by a majority vote of the members present. If a vacancy of an Executive Officer occurs, the remaining Executive Officers shall appoint a PAC member to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term. Furthermore, officers can be removed from office, after reasonable notice, by a two-thirds vote of those present at a regularly scheduled council meeting.
Section 3 – Duties:
President: Prepare for and preside at all council and executive officer meetings; serve as the official representative of PAC; oversee the work of all officers, and; coordinate committees so that the purpose of the organization is served. Check Email 2-3 times per week and inform the Executive Officers of anything urgent.
Vice President: Assist the president and carry out the president’s duties in his or her absence or inability to serve.
Secretary: Record and distribute the minutes of all council meetings to members present; record, maintain and make available upon request, the minutes of executive team meetings; send notices of meetings to membership, and; maintain historical records in the PAC Google Drive.
Treasurer: Serve as the custodian of PAC’s finances by keeping full and accurate accounts of receipts, expenditures, and disbursements in accordance with the approved budget; present a financial statement at each PAC meeting and when requested by the executive officers, and; make a full report at the annual meeting.
Section 4 – Nominations and Elections: The nominating committee shall select candidates for each available office and present the slate at the March council meeting. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor at this time as well as just prior to the actual vote. Elections will be held at the April meeting. At that meeting, voting may be by voice if a slate is presented. If more than one person is running for an office, a ballot vote shall be taken. The privilege of holding an office is limited to members who frequently attend the regularly scheduled monthly meetings.
The fiscal year of the council shall begin July 1st and end on June 30th of the following year. The Treasurer shall draft a budget for the current school year and present it to the council for discussion and vote at the August meeting. The Treasurer shall pay expenses according to budget and present a summary at each monthly council meeting. The President and Treasurer shall be authorized signers on the council’s checking account. Only one signature shall be required on checks written, however, documented pre-approval is required. An auditing committee of not less than three persons who are not PAC officers shall examine the records of the Treasurer annually in June. If there are no more than three non officer members then it will come back to the Executive Council to review. When satisfied, the committee shall issue and sign a statement of fact at the end of the report and the President will see that records are turned over to the new Treasurer. The auditors’ statement shall be presented to the council at the August meeting. The council’s annual meeting shall be in May and will include the Treasurer’s annual report.
These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the council by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting, provided notice of the proposed revisions have been distributed at the previous regular meeting. These amendments shall become effective immediately upon approval. Routine review shall be no less than biennially (odd numbered years), by a committee appointed by the President.
URGENT VOTING: In the matter of something urgent that needs to be approved prior to the next held meeting, the Executive Council can approve over email by a majority vote. All records must be kept and an approved vote be brought up at the next scheduled meeting.
The council shall cooperate and support the school in ways not directly in conflict with the administration, nor shall the council seek to control school policies. The council may collaborate with other organizations concerned with child welfare, but persons representing the council shall make no commitments that bind the council. No part of the net earnings of PAC shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officer, or other private persons, except that PAC shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payment and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article I, Section 2 of this document. No substantial part of the activities of PAC shall be the carrying on of the propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and PAC shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, PAC shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code. Upon dissolution of PAC, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction of Tippecanoe County, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization(s), as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
Proposed Amendments were approved by majority vote on August 29th, 2023.
May 2015 Approved
2007 – 2008 Drafted and Approved