Title I
The purpose of a school wide Title I program is to improve the entire educational curriculum in a school, which should result in high levels of academic success for all students, particularly the lowest achieving students. The goal is to assist those students in demonstrating proficiency on academic standards. All staff, resources, and classes are part of an overall school wide program.
Mayflower Mill Elementary has always made a deep commitment to the educational development of its students. Through the use of a variety of funds, the corporation is able to support additional reading and math instruction assistance to children on an individual or small group basis.
Parents are the first and most important teachers of their children; therefore, the school supports a strong school and home connection. Our school's Title I funds make it possible to offer many opportunities for families to support education. These include workshops and opportunities to learn the most effective ways to assist your child’s reading and math progress at home.
Our entire school is committed to enhancing each and every child’s reading and math skills by meeting needs at his/her current level, and improving those skills to the highest possible level. Based on standard testing given to all students, those who would benefit also receive additional customized reading or math instruction in a small group setting. These groups are lead by certified teachers and/or highly qualified instructional assistants.