Student Handbook
School Information
Telephone: (765) 538-3875
Fax: (765) 538-2014
Address: 200 East 500 South
Lafayette, IN 47909
Instagram: @mmegrinders
Twitter: MayflowerMill@MMEGrinders
Attendance at school is critical to a child’s success in school. Please report student absences to the school by 9:30 a.m. daily. Please call 538-3875 to report your child’s absence. The school newsletter, “The Grinder” will be emailed and posted to our Website monthly. “The Grinder” will contain pertinent information about the school and important dates. Breakfast and lunch menus are available through Mealviewer App or by visiting and typing in Tippecanoe.
- Appearance and Dress
- Attendance, Tardy, and Truancy Mediation
- Awards
- Behavior/Honesty
- Seclusion and Restraint
- Birthdays
- Book Rental and Miscellaneous Fees
- Bullying
- Bus Rules
- Cancellation and Closing
- Sign-in/Sign-out
- Child Care
- Breakfast and Lunch
- EL (English as a Second Language) Services
- Fire, Tornado, and Security Drills
- G.L.A.S.S.
- Arrival and Dismissal
- Harassment/Anti-Hazing
- Homework
- Make-up Work
- Insurance
- Mayflower Mill Calendar
- Medical and Health Services
- Messages and Transportation
- Plagiarism
- Recycling Philosophy
- Release of Information
- Valuables/Electronics/Cell Phones
- Visitors
Appearance and Dress
Our policy on appearance and dress has been adopted with the main interest of creating a positive learning atmosphere and wholesome attitude for each individual and the school as a whole. School is preparation for adult life and life's work. Our policy is designed to form proper appearance and dress habits for one's future, as well as creating a daily positive attitude.
If a manner of dress, grooming, and/or appearance disrupts the normal educational process or presents a physical hazard, school administrators shall take necessary action to correct the situation.
There shall be adequate coverage of the body. No muscle shirts, spaghetti-strap tops, spandex shorts, or bare midriffs are permitted. Shoulders must be covered, and dresses, skirts, or shorts must be fingertip length or no less than two inches above the knee. No hats, bandanas, or doo-rags are allowed within the building. Clothing items (or wording or pictures upon them) which, in the opinion of the principal or designee, tend to disrupt the educational atmosphere are not permitted.
Attendance, Tardy, and Truancy Mediation
Attendance areas or districts are fixed by the school board. Students are assigned to the school district where they reside.
It is the policy of the Tippecanoe School Corporation that all students enrolled in its schools shall be in attendance during each regular school term.
Tippecanoe School Corporation's attendance policy requires a student to be present 90% of the school days to qualify for promotion.
Indiana law mandates compulsory attendance as stated in Section 20-8.1-3-17 Indiana Code. Any student who demonstrates excessive absences/tardies and is in violation of the stated school attendance policy will be referred to Truancy Mediation. Truancy Mediation will determine what action is warranted.
1. For all absences, parents are to notify the school authorities. The student's parent/guardian should contact the school office by telephone by 9:30 a.m. on the day of the absence. A message can be left on the attendance voicemail before school hours.
2. A doctor's excuse or a note signed by the parent should be sent to the school office upon the student's return to school.
3. In instances where the student and parents are aware of the student will be missing school for a preplanned event, such as family vacations, requests must be made to the school prior to the date of the event.
The Tippecanoe School Corporation believes in academic success for all of its students. To recognize the academic success of the TSC student body, each school will establish an Honor Roll. Honor Roll recognition will take place at the conclusion of each nine-week grading period. Students with A's and B's will be recognized with the Honor Roll distinction. Principal Awards and the M.M.E. award for the Most Marvelous Effort will be presented at each grade level.
As teachers and students are brought together so that learning may take place in the classroom, an environment must be created which permits an orderly and efficient operation of the school. This environment comes through consideration of others and self-discipline so that individuals do not allow themselves to infringe upon the rights of others as they seek an expression for their own just and legal privileges as members of the school society.
The function of our elementary school is to provide a productive school environment where students can achieve and secure the best educational experiences possible. There are times when it is necessary for school officials to make a decision concerning the acceptability of the student's behavior in school. These decisions must be based on the welfare of the total school community and how this behavior problem will affect the learning environment. Therefore, all students should strive to be good citizens and respect the rights and property of others.
A breach of discipline may result in reprimand, probation, referral to special personnel in the school, parent conferences, suspension, or expulsion. Guidelines for discipline policy and procedure are taken from the TSC Board Policy.
Behavior at all activities at school or sponsored by the school will be the same as that during school. Students should set a good example for good behavior. Improper language will not be tolerated. Parent notification and consequences will be levied by the administrator(s).
For further information, read the "Student Rights and Responsibilities" pamphlet that is distributed during registration.
Honesty is expected of all students; cheating is unacceptable. We hold high expectations for Mayflower students that they be honest at all times. Individuals violating this policy will be disciplined.
Grinder Goals
We are Respectful.
We are Cooperative.
We are Responsible.
We do What’s Right.
We do our Best.
Mayflower Mill Student Pledge
I am Enough
I have Influence
I am a Genius
I have Contributions to Make
I have a Gift others Need
My Actions define my Impact
I am the Change
I Matter
You Matter
We Matter
The Mill Matters
Seclusion and Restraint
The Assistant Principal, student service coordinator, special education staff, and crisis team have been trained and are certified in Therapeutic Crisis Intervention to assist in the de-escalation of a student in an emotional crisis. Therapeutic Crisis Intervention includes safe holds of a child if they are a danger to themselves or others. A student will not be subject to seclusion or restraint unless the student’s behavior poses imminent risk of injury to the student or others. However, significant violations of the law, including assaults on students and staff, will be reported to the police. As soon as possible after any use of seclusion or restraint, the student’s parent or guardian will be informed and provided with a detailed account of the incident, including the circumstances that led to the use of seclusion or restraint. TSC Board Policy 5630.01
Book Rental and Miscellaneous Fees
Book rental and/or miscellaneous fees should be paid in August. Taking care of this responsibility will help assure your child a good start for the school year. Payment plans can be set up for parents needing to make payments. Book rental and /or miscellaneous fees may be paid online by credit card. Refer to the parent letter with log-in/password. Book rental must be paid in full by March of each school year or the unpaid portion will be assigned for collection and additional fees will be charged.
Students whose parents qualify for assistance with book rental are still responsible for paying the miscellaneous fee. The state of Indiana will not pay for consumable items that the student uses in the classroom.
Bus Rules
1. Parents must notify teachers and the school office in writing if arrangement other than riding the bus are made. Otherwise, students will be placed on the bus.
2. In order for permission to ride a different bus to be granted, there must be seats available on the bus. Please contact transportation at 765-474-2481 to determine seating. In addition, notes from both sets of parents must be turned in at the office for a bus pass to be written. If notes are not received from both sets of parents, then the students will ride on their regular home bus.
3. Parents must provide the bus driver with written permission if their child departs the bus at a location other than his/her regular destination.
4. Students should do the following:
a. Arrive at pick-up points before the bus arrives. There is no recognized waiting time for the bus. Students should inform drivers if they do not intend to ride the buses on a given day.
b. Wait their turn to load and unload, and avoid pushing or shoving.
c. Be seated promptly, and avoid blocking the aisle. No one is permitted to save seats. Assigned seats are to be occupied each day.
d. Obtain permission from drivers to open or close windows.
e. Refrain from usage of loud, boisterous language.
f. Make other arrangements for transportation of animals, glass materials, or objects which totally or partially obstruct aisles, doors, or the view of the bus driver. Objects which may be held in a student's lap, below the seat level, without visual obstruction to the driver, or stored under the seat may be transported. Items which prove potentially hazardous or dangerous to other students or the driver may be eliminated from the bus at the discretion of the driver.
h. Remain seated until the bus has come to a full stop. Parents and students are reminded that school bus transportation is a privilege. Failure to comply with the rules and regulations established by the Transportation Department may result in the loss of this privilege.
Cancellation and Closing
In the event of inclement weather or mechanical breakdown, school may be closed or the starting time delayed. The same conditions may also necessitate early dismissal. School closing, delayed starting time, or early dismissal will be announced over radio stations WAZY-96.5 FM, WASK-1450 AM, WBAA (Purdue Station) 101.3 FM or 920 AM, and WLFI-TV 18.
Mayflower Mill's dismissal will be one hour after McCutcheon High School. All parents are encouraged to sign up for TSC Alerts and Notifications. Instructions can be found here: This service is an easy-to-use event reminder and emergency alert system that allows you to receive official communication from your school.
Students arriving late to school must check in at the main door with a parent. Students should not sign themselves in. No student is to leave school early unless officially excused and signed out by the office staff. Check-ins and sign-outs come under the same jurisdiction as attendance and will result in an AM or PM Tardy.
Child Care
Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast and Lunch are available for purchase.
2023-2024 Breakfast Prices:
Student Breakfast: $1.40
Students qualifying for reduced breakfast: $.30
2023-2024 Lunch Prices:
Students qualifying for reduced lunch: $.40
Elementary students: $2.40
Milk only or additional milk $.60 each Students who bring their lunch to school are permitted to buy milk upon entry into the cafeteria.
- Students should not bring soft drinks to school, and will not be permitted to drink soda in the cafeteria.
- Fast food is not permitted in the cafeteria.
- Visitors are not permitted to eat in the cafeteria.
EL (English as a Second Language) Services
Fire, Tornado, and Security Drills
Fire, tornado, and security drills will be held periodically in order to familiarize each student with a safe and efficient exit or place of security. Every student must cooperate fully by moving quickly and quietly to ensure the safety of all students. Fire drills occur once a month. Tornado drills occur twice per semester and security drills once per semester.
(Greater Lafayette Area Special Services)
Greater Lafayette Area Special Services (G.L.A.S.S.) conducts a yearly search for all children with disabilities from birth through age twenty-one. The purpose of the search is to ensure that every child with a disability, who resides within Tippecanoe County, is receiving the special education and related services that are his/her right under State and Federal Law. If you are aware of any child suspected of having a disability, regardless of the severity, please contact the G.L.A.S.S. office (765) 771-6006 or school principal for information regarding referral procedures.
G.L.A.S.S. is a cooperative effort sponsored by Lafayette School Corporation, Tippecanoe School Corporation and West Lafayette Community School Corporation. The G.L.A.S.S. office is located at 2300 Cason Street, Lafayette, IN 47904.
Arrival and Dismissal
Students who walk or who are being transported to school by parents may NOT arrive before 8:45 a.m. School begins at 9:00 a.m., and students arriving after 9:00 a.m. will be marked tardy and must be signed in by a parent. Dismissal is at 3:30 p.m. Parents are asked to stay in the line of cars and wait to pull up for pick-up. Walkers will be dismissed at 3:30 from Door 5.
Harassment of a student(s) by any other students or any member of the staff is incompatible with a physically and psychologically safe environment in which to learn. Harassment shall include any speech or action that creates a hostile or offensive learning environment.
The Student Code of Conduct contains language prohibiting any form of sexual harassment and any use of racial, religious, or ethnic verbal or physical harassment. Administrative guidelines will provide a means for a student to report harassment from a student, staff member, or a school visitor to avoid embarrassment to the student and protect the confidentiality of the student when possible.
All such reports will be investigated promptly. Anyone who violates this policy and/or the Code of Conduct shall be subject to disciplinary action. Due process rights shall be ensured (Policy 5611).
Hazing activities of any type are inconsistent with the educational process. All such activities are prohibited at any time in school facilities, on school property, and at any corporation-sponsored event.
Hazing is defined, for purposes of this policy, as performing any act or coercing another person to perform any act of initiation into any class, group, or organization that causes or creates a risk (mental, emotional, or physical harm). Permission, consent, or assumption of risk by an individual subjected to hazing shall not exempt this policy.
If hazing or planned hazing is discovered, the students involved shall be informed of the prohibitions contained in this policy and shall be ordered to stop such behavior. All hazing incidents shall be reported to the Superintendent.
The following is the Homework Policy adopted by Mayflower Mill Elementary School complying with a Department of Education requirement. Homework assigned to students will follow this policy:
1. Homework is a form of independent practice which is to be given after successful, guided practice occurs in the classroom.
2. The amount or volume of homework should be planned so as to be compatible with the ability and age of the student.
3. All students should be given credit and/or recognized for completing assigned homework.
Student: Be attentive to instruction and seek help, if needed, during the classroom guided practice so the homework assignment is understood.
Parent: Provide a positive environment for studying, assist their child, when needed, and notify their child's teacher when questions arise.
Teacher: Use the homework policy as a guide. Communicate clearly the details of the homework assignment.
Principal: Facilitate communication among parents, teachers, and students relative to homework and the homework policy.
Make-up Work
Students absent from school are responsible for all work and information missed in each class. Upon returning to school the FIRST DAY AFTER THE ABSENCE, it is the student's responsibility to seek make-up work from each teacher. Generally, students have one or two days to submit all make-up work as required by the teacher. However, the teacher is permitted to arrange a longer period of time if he/she deems it necessary. Make-up work not completed and unsatisfactory submitted to the teacher may result in an unsatisfactory grade.
Mayflower Mill Calendar
Medical and Health Services
The state of Indiana requires that no student can begin school without a current immunization record on file.
Student Medication:
1. All prescription and over-the counter (OTC) medication (FDA approved) must be kept in the school office.
2. Written instructions from the parent/guardian are required for all prescription and OTC medication.
3. Prescription and OTC medication must be in the original container affixed with a current pharmacy or package label.
4. Medication ordered three times a day or less should be given before and after school or at bedtime.
5. As directed in IC 20-8.1-722, no medication of any type may be sent home with a student in grades K-8.
Health Screenings which include vision, hearing, and postural/scoliosis will be done periodically throughout the year. Questions regarding any of these health matters should be directed to your school nurse.
Messages and Transportation
Please do not call the school to give your child a message unless it is an emergency. Effective schools have a lower number of interruptions during instructional time.
Transportation plans should be complete before your student leaves in the morning for school. If a student's normal transportation changes, a note must be sent to the teacher. If a note is not received, the child will be sent home on the bus. If a student is riding home with another student, the office must receive a note from both parents before a bus pass will be written.
Plagiarism, as defined by the Random House Dictionary, is "to steal (the language, ideas, or thoughts) from (another) representing them as one's own original work." Intentional or not, when a student fails to acknowledge the source of words and ideas that are not his or her own, the result is plagiarism, that is, theft.
Penalties-Elementary School-While no official penalties exist for plagiarism offenses, it is expected that classroom teachers would use such occasions as education opportunities for all students. Time should be devoted to discussion and explanation of plagiarism.
Tippecanoe School Corporation (TSC) is highly supportive of educational opportunities that athletics, performing arts, and other academic-related programs contribute toward accomplishing the stated mission of the school district. These activities assist students to develop confidence, competence, and the ability to deal with success and adversity. We acknowledge the need for reasonable limitations to the time and resources that the school district devotes to such pursuits. As the elected representatives for our school patrons, we endorse the following principles:
1. Successful completion of the approved course of study is a primary objective for each TSC student.
2. We will not compromise our integrity to gain a competitive advantage.
3. We will follow the rules and guidelines of the Indiana High School Athletic Association and the Indiana Division of Student Activities. Proposed participation in activities not endorsed by either of these organizations will be given great scrutiny.
4. We will attempt to be a supportive partner to those non-exclusionary community organizations that provide meaningful educational opportunities to our resident students.
5. The school corporation will not promote student activities sponsored by “for profit” groups.
6. Co-curricular programs will focus on providing a well-rounded and cultural experience rather than inter-school competition.
7. High school sports teams are competitive by nature. Selection of student participants is a subjective process. Final selection and assignment of team members is the purview of the coach.
8. Interschool athletic competition will begin at grade seven.
9. Academic expectations, student enrollment numbers, and available staff and other resources limit the number of athletic and other activity programs TSC can reasonably sponsor.
10. The school district will, whenever possible, employ faculty members to serve as sponsors and coaches.
11. Participation in any extracurricular activity is a privilege. Staff members, students, and parents are expected to demonstrate exemplary behavior and to maintain the highest integrity.
Recycling Philosophy
The Tippecanoe School Corporation believes good stewardship of our natural resources and our environment is an essential part of students' civic responsibility. The school corporation is committed to establishing an educational environment for students that models active participation and teaches responsible waste reduction and recycling. The corporation's recycling efforts will be coordinated by the Director of Buildings and Grounds.
Release of Information
Certain information, including the student's name, date and place of birth, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, dates of attendance, awards received, and other similar information may be released without parental consent unless the parents notify the school district that they do not want certain designated information released without prior consent.
Valuables/Electronics/Cell Phones
Students should not bring valuables, such as, large sums of money, electronic devices, or expensive toys to school. Mayflower Mill Elementary School is not responsible for lost or stolen belongings brought from home. If your Family Safety Plan requires your child to carry a cellphone for before school and/or after-school emergencies, the cell phone must remain off and in a backpack during the school day . Students using cell phones to call, video, text, or take pictures during the school day may have their cell phone confiscated until a parent can be reached to retrieve the device.
During the 2021-2022 school year, visitor access will be limited to appointments and scheduled special events. No visitors are allowed during arrival and dismissal. Volunteers are required to have an approved Background Check on file and schedule hours with the classroom teacher. Volunteers are required to follow the TSC Covid Protocols.