Tippecanoe School Corporation

Student Handbook


Printable Student Handbook


School Information

Telephone: (765) 538-3875
Fax: (765) 538-2014
Address: 200 East 500 South
  Lafayette, IN  47909

Website:      http://mme.tsc.k12.in.us/
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mayflower-Mill-Elementary/408517925934466
Instagram: @mmegrinders
Twitter: MayflowerMill@MMEGrinders

Attendance at school is critical to a child’s success in school.  Please report student absences to the school by 9:30 a.m. daily.  Please call 538-3875 to report your child’s absence.  The school newsletter, “The Grinder” will be emailed and posted to our Website monthly.   “The Grinder” will contain pertinent information about the school and important dates.  Breakfast and lunch menus are available through Mealviewer App or by visiting https://schools.mealviewer.com and typing in Tippecanoe.